President Speech

I am pleased and happy to extend my best greetings and regards, praise and encouragement to all the women's soccer players in the world and to all the refereeing and training teams for their efforts in working to expand the practice of soccer among women in the world.

WIFA Federation, since its inception, has drawn up a strategic plan that aimed to develop the mechanisms of work, training and women’s football tournaments, and placing them in a position of competition and excitement with men’s football.

The popularity of the football game among men is the result of many decades of monopoly over this game, and the practice of football among women remained limited, but we in the International Women Football Association, WIFA are determined with unyielding strength and will and through strategic partnerships with institutions and International organizations and supportive federations, to move the women’s football game to an advanced international space by making it the most popular game in the world.

The female player does not lack sports skills or the arts of play, but only lacks support and encouragement, providing capabilities and organizing tournaments. Capabilities and enhancing skills and techniques through the WIFA Academy will be a global institute for training, research and capacity building.

We are looking forward soon to the launch of the WIFA Friendship Championship in the Romanian capital, Bucharest, where the headquarters of WIFA Federation is located. After that, preparations are underway for the launch of the WIFA Championship for the Pacific Countries in Tonga, under the generous patronage of Her Majesty Queen Nanasipauʻu Tukuʻaho, Queen of the Kingdom of Tonga. In fact, there are a lot of promising initiatives and projects awaiting implementation.

We at WIFA do not compete with anyone, but we extend our hands to coordinate and cooperate with everyone in order to raise the profile of this beautiful and wonderful game.

Mohammed Aldulaimi

WIFA president